Jannatul Rafia-Tracy outside of Stratton 09/14/2023

Jannatul Rafia-Tracy

Assistant Professor of Business

Zabriskie 201B


Jannatul Rafia-Tracy, an Assistant Professor of Business, received acceptance for her paper entitled, “Leaders’ Coping Strategies after Abusive Behavior: Through the Perpetrator’s Lens,” has been accepted for publication on Global Business Review.

Jannatul Rafia-Tracy, an Assistant Professor of Business, received acceptance for her paper entitled “Leaders’ Irrational Rationalization for their Abusive Conduct towards their Employees” in the journal, Global Business and Management Research-an international journal.

Moreover, in August, Jannatul Rafia-Tracy delivered a presentation on “Leaders’ Neutralization Strategies” at the Global Symposium of Leadership and Project Management hosted by Northeast University.